Monday 28 March 2011

The employed self employed - Day 1: First blog

The employed self employed

Day 1: First Blog

So writing a blog….. I’m already discovering the infamous writers block on my first line and beginning to wonder whether I will spend the next 10minutes babbling on about writers block, which to be honest isn’t the best of starts.

I decided to write a blog as I felt it would be another great way to express ones self and continue to inch my way to worldwide success. But for the time being I must continue the long hard slog as one of many employed self employed.

So what is an employed self employed you may ask? I consider myself an employed self employed because although I am employed full time by a major company I do run my own company in my so called spare time, not entirely sure why its called spare time as there’s nothing spare about it. I now even class sleeping as a chore as it has to be done in order to function and have started attempting to train my body to rely on less.

So to those of you out there who have been unfortunate enough to stumble upon my blog, hopefully if you don’t find it at all useful you may find some slight amusement.

By day I am a marketing director, by night I am an events organiser, you may think those 2 go pretty hand in hand, until you discover that marketing horse supplements doesn’t give you the best grounding for organising events. So why do it; the simple answer is because I don’t like horse supplements very much.

Running your own company does come with its perks, not only can you work the hours you choose, the amount you get paid is entirely up to you. However in layman’s terms this corresponds to the less hours you put in the less you get paid.

Now we have got passed the point of what I do we can start actually making some sense.

Today I was emailed by FHM (did I forget to mention they’re writing an article on how brilliant I am) asking me for 3 lessons I had learnt from running my own business, 1 fatal error I had made during my time running my business, and my motto (we’ll come back to that). The first question was a tricky one and if I had been brutally honest I would have just written, “don’t start your own business” 3 times, however I had to appear to be switched on, driven, and entrepreneurial so I put something about how hard I work. The second question was fairly easy; it was just a question of choosing which fatal error to write down. The 3rd question however was the interesting one, what is my motto. At first I just replied to the editor at the magazine with the business strapline, to which he replied “no, your own motto, not your business strapline”, this threw me somewhat as I don’t remember as a child having to have a motto to live by just in case the question arose. So here I was trying to sound all inspirational but not too much like a political activist on speed. I had a quick browse of the internet to steal someone else’s but decided shortly before hitting send that he did ask specifically for mine, not for Albert Einstein’s (I wish he had), so decided upon the following 9 words (8 if you don’t count the letter a) “If you start today, you're already a day behind”.  This I felt was fairly to the point and easy to remember if someone else were to ask when I become famous. But I would like all who are reading this that I was first to write this at 16:24 March 28th 2011.

Unfortunately that is the end of my allocated blogging time, but there will be more to follow shortly.

Yours reluctantly,

The employed self employed